Adolescent Therapy

The teenage years can challenging for teens and the ones who care about them. You deserve a therapist with special expertise in this area for you or your teen.

Depression in Teens

Depression can often look different in adolescents than it does in adults. When teenagers are depressed, they may appear angry or irritable to others. Oftentimes they are actually very sad or upset about something on the inside but aren’t able to express this clearly to others. Teenagers are also learning to be independent as they get ready for adulthood, and this means they are less likely to want to get help from their parents during this time. This is one of the reasons that therapy can be really helpful for teens.

Social Media and Bullying

With the advancement of social media platforms, teens can now experience bullying from their peers even when they are alone in their room. The social pressure is enormous. For a variety of reasons, teens can have difficulty opening up about the bullying they receive and may find it easier to talk to a neutral party. This is where therapy can be very helpful.

Identity Questions

An essential part of the teen years is exploring identity. Teens are in the process of becoming adults and trying to figure out who they are independent from their parents. This can be a scary time for both teens and their parents as teens try to figure out (often through trial and error), what kind of person they want to be. Therapy is a place that teens can explore aspects of their identity without the worry of disappointing their parents or being judged by their peers.

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